My school is 5th and 6th Grade only. So, since my 6th Grade is leaving to go to another school they did a project using "Oh the Places You Can Go" story by Dr. Seuss.
1. They had to write this poem on a poster skipping spaces between each line of words.
2. Then, they had to add rhythm above the words in pencil. Rests went in between words and/or at the end of sentences.
-The only rhythm they could use were:
+Whole notes, half notes, dotted half notes, quarter notes, 2 eighth notes together, and 4 sixteenth notes together
+Whole rests, half rests, dotted half rests, quarter rests
3. Once I checked the poem and rhythm (each syllable had to have a note), they colored over them in marker.
4. Then, they added pictures (magazines, computer, drawing) of what they want their future to look like.
5. They presented their poster in front of class using the correct rhythm that they wrote. They had to read the poem using the correct rhythm. Then, they had to explain why they chose their pictures.
My revised version is in the point of view of the student.
Today is your day!
I'm off to Great Places!
I'm off and away!
I have brains in your head!
I have feet in your shoes!
I can steer yourself any direction you choose!
I'm on my own and I know what I know!
And I'm the one who'll decide where to go!
I'll be on my way up!
I'll be seeing great sites!
I'll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.
I won't lag behind, because I have the speed!
I'll pass the whole gang and I'll soon take the lead!
Wherever I fly, I'll be best of the best.
Wherever I go, I will top all the rest.