Thursday, June 5, 2014

Floor Staff Pitch and Rhythm Review


Step 1:
Using thick tape, make 5 lines across your floor for the STAFF
Make a TREBLE CLEF using tape facing the correct direction

Step 2:
Cut pieces of paper for your cards, (laminate them after you write everything)

Step 3:
Write the different pitches on one side of each card
On the other side, draw the different notes/rests

Give each student a card, but they can't look at it.
When each student has a card, they will hurry to the correct pitch on the staff.
Then give each person a turn to share what pitch they are, what note/rest they are and how many beats it/they get.

Floor Staff Pitch Review


Step 1:
Using thick tape, make 5 lines across your floor for the STAFF
Make a TREBLE CLEF using tape facing the correct direction

Step 2:
Cut 27 pieces of paper for your cards, (laminate them after you write everything)

Step 3:
Write on each card: (you should have three sets)
    line E
    space F
    space E
    line F

Give each student a card (face down)
The student cannot look at it until everyone has gotten one, then you say, "GO"
When the teacher says, "GO" then the students hurry to the correct spot on the staff
The teacher checks to see who got it right and wrong

Floor Staff Zap Game


Step 1:
Using thick tape, make 5 lines across your floor for the STAFF
Make a TREBLE CLEF using tape facing the correct direction

Step 2:
Cut pieces of paper for your cards, laminate them after you write everything
Make 20 cards that say ZAP
Make 2 of each card that has the different notes and rests, I used:
    whole note
    half note
    dotted half note
    quarter note
    eighth note
    double eighth note
    sixteenth note
    4 sixteenth notes
    whole rest
    half rest
    quarter rest
    eighth rest
    sixteenth rest
Make 9 of each card that tells you to move, I used:
    Move 1 step forward
    Move 2 steps forward
    Move 1 line forward
    Move 1 space forward
Shuffle the cards

Step 3:
Make many different 4 beat rhythms on computer paper or poster board, then laminate

1. The student must first correctly clap 1 of the 4 beat rhythms
2. The student must pull a card

ZAP cards-the student can't move
RHYTHM cards-the student must correctly identify the name of the note/rest and how many beats it/they get. If they get it correct, they can pull another card (until a zap or move card)
MOVE card-the student must correctly identify the pitch he/she is trying to move to (before moving)