Using thick tape, make 5 lines across your floor for the STAFF
Make a TREBLE CLEF using tape facing the correct direction
Step 2:
Cut pieces of paper for your cards, laminate them after you write everything
Make 20 cards that say ZAP
Make 2 of each card that has the different notes and rests, I used:
whole note
half note
dotted half note
quarter note
eighth note
double eighth note
sixteenth note
4 sixteenth notes
whole rest
half rest
quarter rest
eighth rest
sixteenth rest
Make 9 of each card that tells you to move, I used:
Move 1 step forward
Move 2 steps forward
Move 1 line forward
Move 1 space forward
Shuffle the cards
Step 3:
Make many different 4 beat rhythms on computer paper or poster board, then laminate
1. The student must first correctly clap 1 of the 4 beat rhythms
2. The student must pull a card
ZAP cards-the student can't move
RHYTHM cards-the student must correctly identify the name of the note/rest and how many beats it/they get. If they get it correct, they can pull another card (until a zap or move card)
MOVE card-the student must correctly identify the pitch he/she is trying to move to (before moving)
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